AI Ethics Weekly – March 9: It’s Women’s History Month – Where are the Women?

AI Ethics Weekly – March 9: It’s Women’s History Month – Where are the Women?
March 8, 2021 LH3_Admin

Despite being primary caregivers, successful professionals, world-class engineers, leading researchers, women still face many challenges in the workplace and at home. 

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Gender Equality Malala

Gender Equality

Report: Where are the women? Mapping the gender job gap in AI
There is a troubling and persistent absence of women employed in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data science fields. Over three-quarters of professionals in these fields globally are male (78%); less than a quarter are women (22%).

Racial, gender diversity in tech improving at a glacial pace
As a whole, the tech industry has seen some progress in advancing gender diversity in recent years. But for the most part, people of color — and women of color, in particular — have been excluded from this progress.

COVID-19 pandemic is a major challenge for gender equality
The pandemic has exacerbated existing inequalities between women and men in almost all areas of life, both in Europe and beyond, rolling back on the hard-won achievements of past years.

The Progressive Case for Universal Internet Access: How to Close the Digital Divide by 2030
Globally, women are 23 per cent less likely than men to use mobile internet. The digital divide matters because it stands squarely in the way of progress.

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