Startups & SME

Responsible Innovation + Diverse Teams = Sustainable  Success

Welcome to Lighthouse3, where innovation meets integrity in customer experience strategy. Our AI-driven solutions transform your customer service into a powerhouse of efficiency and satisfaction.

Whether you are a growing startup looking to set up a new CX organization or an existing enterprise looking to transform your CX organization to improve customer satisfaction and boost employee engagement, we can help!

AI-led CX Strategy Development

Overview: Step into the future of customer experience with our AI-led CX Strategy Development. We collaborate with your team to craft tailor-made strategies to leverage GenAI and other technologies that perfectly align with your business goals, ensuring you lead in customer and employee satisfaction.

Key Benefits: Improved decision-making, personalized customer interactions, enhanced operational efficiency.

Get Started with AI Strategy

Learn More in a Free Consultation




AI Integration Services

Overview: Smoothly integrate cutting-edge AI with your existing systems. Our AI Integration Services ensure that your technological ecosystem evolves without disrupting your ongoing operations.

Key Benefits: Seamless integration, scalability, enhanced system capabilities without operational downtime.

Enhance Your Systems with AI


Responsible AI Automation and Optimization

Overview: Transform your operations responsibly with our AI Automation and Optimization services. We focus on reducing costs and increasing efficiency while prioritizing data privacy and ethical AI use.

Key Benefits: Cost reduction, operational efficiency, responsible automation practices.

Automate Responsibly with Us




Intelligent Assistant Services

Overview: Revolutionize your customer interactions with our Intelligent Assistant Services. Employ multi-modal intelligent assistants to enhance communication across channels, backed by real-time analytics and sentiment analysis.

Key Benefits: Faster response times, improved customer satisfaction, advanced analytics for better decision-making.

Transform Customer Interactions


Responsible innovation at scale 

Lighthouse3 is a technology research and advisory firm based in California that helps global companies navigate the uncertainty of these technologically fraught times. Our firm provides training, workshops, and technology consulting, which includes development of protocols, policy, and governance frameworks for responsible adoption of new technologies. We believe the pathway to responsible development and deployment of any technology requires a multi-disciplinary approach with perspectives from internal stakeholders as well as impacted users and communities.

How Can We Help Your Business?